Program Requirements

  • Children must be the correct age by 9/1/24, unless otherwise specified. In order to provide your child with the best possible recreational and/or learning experience, all of our programs are planned according to the ages listed in our Program Guide.
  • Although your child may turn the correct age during the session of a program, our age requirement date coincides with the school district’s date to assist with the fundamental growth of the child in the age-appropriate programs and therefore would not be eligible for registration.
  • Classes are for the registered child only, except for classes with an adult. Parents should not remain in the classroom, gymnasium or the Lions Community Center after dropping off their child. This is in the child’s best interest, as continual interruptions tend to affect participants’ attention span and inhibit the establishment of peer relationships.
  • All children must be potty-trained unless they are attending a class where an adult stay with them or is otherwise stated in the class description. Diapers are not permitted in independent classes unless stated in the class description.
  • Please do not bring food to any class unless previously arranged.
  • For your child’s safety, all children enrolled in programs must be picked up from the specific door by their parent(s) or designated guardian. No child will be released from the building to anyone other than these individuals.
  • A mandatory sign-in and sign-out procedure for all participants is required for all Park District Programs. Children must be accompanied by an adult when escorted to the door.
  • Classes that require a parent to attend with a child are shown with this icon: