Teen Drop-In/Open Gym

Please note Drop-in Program Prices are increasing to $10/LWR • $15/NR per night beginning September 1.  
Teen-Youth-Open-Gym-Permission-Slip must be completed and submitted by parents of children and teen ages 17 and under before participating in Open Gym Programs.

Ages 12-17
Lincoln-Way West High School Field House

Get off the couch and come play! Patrons age 11 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Patrons ages 12-17 must submit a signed Parent Permission Slip. Patrons 18 and older, must follow drop-in procedures and show a valid picture ID. Due to circumstances beyond our control, additional skip days may be added. These dates will be posted as we are notified. The Field House hours may end earlier due to lack of attendance. Pay at the door.

Day Date Times LWR/NR Skip Dates
F 1/12-5/20 6:00-9:00pm $10/$15 per night Calendars